segunda-feira, 24 de dezembro de 2018

Diamond Color Chart | Diamond Education.

Color manifests itself in a diamond as a pale yellow. This is why a diamond’s color grade depends on its lack of color. The less color a diamond has, the higher its color grade. After Cut, People consider color as the most important factor while selecting diamonds. This is because the human eye tends to detect a diamond’s sparkle first and color second.

– Color refers to a diamond’s lack of color, grading the whiteness of a diamond.

– A color grade of D is the highest possible, while Z is the lowest.

– Matano Mining Co.  only sells diamonds with a color grade of K or higher.

A grade is given to a diamond to describe the subtle tones of color in a stone. D is colorless, the rarest and expensive color. As you go from D to Z on the normal color scale, it indicates increasing levels of yellow and/or brown tones. It takes trained eye under specialized lightning to distinguish between neighboring color grades. But most people can learn the difference between colors with a little practice. They can know the difference apart from several grades.

At Matano Co., you’ll find only the finest diamonds. One with color graded D-K. Diamonds graded K or better are colorless or near-colorless. And the one with color that is undetectable to the unaided eye.

I really wish now you got to know from this diamond education blog and you must have realized how important is diamond education. Our aim for our customers is that they must know Diamond Education before purchasing anything online or from your nearby store. So, That’s all from our Diamond Education Blog If you would like to know more about diamonds and any unsolved queries you would like to ask then you can mail us for sure.

Diamond Education is Important and the most important thing is to Educate your Viewers or Customers about Diamonds.

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    Diamond Education
